Plenty of people have stalled and put off estate planning until an emergency happens, such as witnessing another person in the family struggling to cope with the loss of their spouse. One of the biggest issues that has emerged as a challenge in light of the corona virus pandemic has to do with remote notarization.

Many states around the country have passed executive orders for legislation associated with remote online notarization since the outbreak first began, including Michigan. Certain estate planning documents should be notarized in the presence of witnesses so as to strengthen them from a legal validity standpoint.
Documenting your estate planning wishes now means that your loved ones are equipped with the plan if something happens to you and you are unable to speak for yourself. Although you certainly hope that you won't need to use these estate planning documents, having this information drafted now and properly signed and filed increases the chances that it will be seen as legally valid if and when you need to use such a document.
Many people have begun to ask themselves; what happens if they become sick. Not having an estate plan in place places significant challenges for who will make these decisions on your behalf. Schedule a consultation with a Michigan estate planning lawyer to learn more about the options available to you and how to get started on your estate planning today.
Our office is here for you during these challenging times. All of our services are available virtually. We can get your plan set up from our office without you leaving the comfort of your own home.